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You and I

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 李圣杰 / 面对 新歌演唱会
It's been a long tIme@H_574_0@ SInce I came aroUnd@H_574_0@ It's been a long tIme@H_574_0@ BUt I'm back In town@H_574_0@ And thIs tIme I'm not@H_574_0@ LeavIng wIthoUt YoU@H_574_0@ YoU taste lIke whIskeY@H_574_0@ When YoU kIss me oh@H_574_0@ I'd gIve anYthIng agaIn@H_574_0@ To be YoUr babY doll@H_574_0@ ThIs tIme I'm not leavIng wIthoUt YoU@H_574_0@ YoU saY sIt back down@H_574_0@ Where YoU belong@H_574_0@ In the corner of mY bar@H_574_0@ WIth YoUr hIgh heels on@H_574_0@ SIt back down on the coUch@H_574_0@ Where we made love the fIrst tIme@H_574_0@ And YoU saId to me there's@H_574_0@ (SomethIng) somethIng @H_574_0@ SomethIng aboUt thIs place@H_574_0@ (SomethIng) @H_574_0@ SomethIng aboUt lonelY nIghts@H_574_0@ And mY lIpstIck on mY face@H_574_0@ (SomethIng) somethIng @H_574_0@ SomethIng aboUt mY cool BeIjIng gIrl@H_574_0@ Yeah somethIng aboUt babY YoU and I@H_574_0@ It's been two Years@H_574_0@ SInce I let YoU go@H_574_0@ I coUldn't lIsten@H_574_0@ To a joke or Rock and Roll@H_574_0@ MUscle cars drove a trUck@H_574_0@ RIght throUgh mY heart@H_574_0@ On mY bIrthdaY YoU@H_574_0@ Sang me a heart of gold@H_574_0@ WIth a gUItar hUmmIng and no clothes@H_574_0@ ThIs tIme I'm not leavIng wIthoUt YoU@H_574_0@ SIt back down where YoU belong@H_574_0@ In the corner of mY bar@H_574_0@ WIth YoUr hIgh heels on@H_574_0@ SIt back down on the coUch@H_574_0@ Where we made love the fIrst tIme@H_574_0@ And YoU saId to me there's@H_574_0@ (SomethIng) @H_574_0@ SomethIng @H_574_0@ SomethIng aboUt thIs place@H_574_0@ (SomethIng) @H_574_0@ SomethIng aboUt lonelY nIghts@H_574_0@ And lIpstIck on mY face@H_574_0@ (SomethIng) somethIng @H_574_0@ SomethIng aboUt mY cool BeIjIng gIrl@H_574_0@ Yeah somethIng aboUt babY YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU YoU and I@H_574_0@ I'd rather dIe@H_574_0@ YoU YoU and I@H_574_0@ Want's goIng on@H_574_0@ YoU YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU YoU and I@H_574_0@ YoU YoU and I

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