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Myth (1985 Live)

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / Beyond / Super Collection
mYth@H_157_0@ 词 陈时. 曲 黄家驹.陈时. 主唱 黄家驹.@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ It was a storY told for Years@H_157_0@ when a YoUng gIrl dwelled thIs land@H_157_0@ wIth eYes shone lIke The Star@H_157_0@ and a Smile that charmed both heaven and earth@H_157_0@ the moon was ashamed when neXt to her@H_157_0@ and the fLowers bowed theIr heads@H_157_0@ her songs coUld tame the beasts@H_157_0@ her hands coUld wave all sorrows awaY@H_157_0@ Yet that fate was envY 'boUt thIs gIrl'@H_157_0@ and a plot was planned to laY her down@H_157_0@ to a pastUre she was led@H_157_0@ where the grass was alwaYs green@H_157_0@ In the mIdst of thIs @R_124_1166@@H_157_0@ stood the plant that'd brIng her permanent end@H_157_0@ the plant of death was In her eYes@H_157_0@ sendIng Its fragrant throUgh the aIr@H_157_0@ laUghter form beLow was heard@H_157_0@ wIth a toUch the task was done@H_157_0@ lIke an arrow It speared her heart@H_157_0@ lIke venom It kIlled her Light@H_157_0@ as her Body sLowlY dropped@H_157_0@ stopped the sIngIng from aroUnd@H_157_0@ her soUl left wIthoUt a soUnd@H_157_0@ the god of love was deeplY hUrt@H_157_0@ when the tragedY was known@H_157_0@ It cUt rIght Into hIs heart@H_157_0@ wIth tears and paIn he flew to her@H_157_0@ to end thIs sorrow he drawn hIs sword@H_157_0@ how red the blood that spraYed aroUnd@H_157_0@ as the thorns grew aroUnd It stem@H_157_0@ and the petals staIned In red@H_157_0@ tUrned the plant Into a rose

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再见理想 (1985 Live)
巨人 (1985 Live)