- 爱无赦 (Myself World Tour Live)
- 组曲: 野蛮游戏 / 看我72变
- 我 (Myself World Tour Live)
- 唯舞独尊 (Myself World Tour Live)
- 组曲: 迷幻 / Dr. Jolin
- 组曲: 七上八下 / 舞娘
- Mr. Q (Myself World Tour Live)
- 日不落 (Myself World Tour Live)
- 组曲: Don't Stop / 马德里不思议 / 十三号...
- 组曲: 假装 / 倒带
- 组曲: 你怎么连话都说不清楚 / 柠檬草的味道 / ...
- 组曲: 我知道你很难过 / 离人节 / 开场白 / 爱上...
- 睁一只眼闭一只眼 (Myself World Tour Live)
- 组曲: 招牌动作 / 大丈夫
- 玩爱之徒 (Myself World Tour Live)
- Beast (Myself World Tour Live)
- 特务J (Myself World Tour Live)
- 组曲: 天空 / 诗人漫步
- 冷暴力 (Myself World Tour Live)
- 爱情36计 (Myself World Tour Live)
- 新年抖来咪
- 我对我
- 蔡依林 Play世界巡回演...
- 什么什么
- 幸福路上
- We Are One
- 让爱传出去
- 恋我癖
- Play 我呸 (Alesso Re...
- I Wanna Know
- 呸PLAY 新歌演唱会
- 呸
- 万花瞳
- Myself世界巡回演唱会...
- Muse in Live
美人计 (Myself World Tour Live)
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 蔡依林 / Myself世界巡回演唱会 台北安可场
蔡依林 - 美人计@H_230_0@
曲:the whIte n3rd/danIelle senIor@H_230_0@
gIve me YoUr satIsfactIon"#39; I need YoUr satIsfactIon@H_230_0@
I want YoUr satIsfactIon@H_230_0@
gIve me"#39; gIve me"#39; gIve me"#39; gIve me@H_230_0@
gIve me YoUr satIsfactIon"#39; I need YoUr satIsfactIon"#39;@H_230_0@
I want YoUr satIsfactIon"#39; one two three foUr@H_230_0@
是谁的眼神锁定我 却怕咬一口这苹果@H_230_0@
城市丛林猎爱生物 别当壁花和壁树@H_230_0@
美人计点起这爱火 别站在原地没动作@H_230_0@
我只泄漏一点线索 是谁为爱走钢索@H_230_0@
gIve me YoU"#39; I need YoU"#39; I want YoU@H_230_0@
gIve me YoU"#39; I need YoU"#39; I want YoU@H_230_0@
actIon 爱丫丫丫你和我在这场戏@H_230_0@
爱丫丫丫 超乎想像fantasY@H_230_0@
actIon 爱丫丫丫 爱就是本能的瘾@H_230_0@
爱丫丫丫 沸腾我们的partY@H_230_0@
show It to me boYs"#39; show It to me boYs@H_230_0@
谁在偷窥我的秘密 心里在打什么主意@H_230_0@
我只不过补个唇蜜 你也不用注目礼@H_230_0@
再没有任何的禁忌 别抗拒我的美人计@H_230_0@
猎爱动物的诱捕器 男孩女孩要注意@H_230_0@
gIve me YoU"#39; I need YoU"#39; I want YoU@H_230_0@
gIve me YoU"#39; I need YoU"#39; I want YoU@H_230_0@
actIon 爱丫丫丫你和我在这场戏@H_230_0@
actIon爱丫丫丫 爱就让人上了瘾@H_230_0@
show It to me boYs"#39; show It to me boYs@H_230_0@
gIve me YoU"#39; I need YoU"#39; I want YoU@H_230_0@
gIve me YoU"#39; I need YoU"#39; I want YoU@H_230_0@
actIon爱丫丫丫 你和我在这场戏@H_230_0@
actIon 爱丫丫丫爱就让人上了瘾@H_230_0@
let"#39;s get the @R_579_2219@ started now@H_230_0@
I gIve YoU the satIsfactIon@H_230_0@
whY don"#39;t YoU take the actIon@H_230_0@
gIve me YoUr satIsfactIon"#39; I need YoUr satIsfactIon@H_230_0@
I want YoUr satIsfactIon@H_230_0@
gIve me"#39; gIve me"#39; gIve me"#39; gIve me
《美人计 (Myself World Tour Live)》歌词由查歌词收集整理
玩美 (Myself World Tour Live)下一个歌词
玩美 (Myself World Tour Live)下一个歌词
- 新年抖来咪
- 怪美的
- 我对我 (《地下城与勇士》十周年主题曲)
- Play我呸 (Play World Tour Live)
- 不一样又怎样 (Play World Tour Live)
- 看我72变 (Play World Tour Live)
- 舞娘 (Play World Tour Live)
- Dr.Jolin (Play World Tour Live)
- 电话皇后 (Play World Tour Live)
- 爱情36计 (Play World Tour Live)
- 迷幻 (Play World Tour Live)
- 无言以对 (Play World Tour Live)
- 日不落 (Play World Tour Live)
- Miss Trouble (Play World Tour Live)
- 七上八下 (Play World Tour Live)
- 我知道你很难过 / 天空 (Play World Tour Live)
- 唇语 / 柠檬草的味道 (Play World Tour Live)
- Mr.Q (Play World Tour Live)
- 大艺术家 (Play World Tour Live)
- 独占神话 (Play World Tour Live)
- 第三人称 (Play World Tour Live)
- 布拉格广场 (Play World Tour Live)
- LOVE LOVE LOVE (Play World Tour Live)
- 花蝴蝶 (Play World Tour Live)
- 特务J (Play World Tour Live)
- I'm Not Yours (Play World Tour Live)
- 爱无赦 (Play World Tour Live)
- 美人计 (Play World Tour Live)
- 大丈夫 (Play World Tour Live)
- 美杜莎 (Play World Tour Live)