- 新年抖来咪
- 我对我
- 蔡依林 Play世界巡回演...
- 什么什么
- 幸福路上
- We Are One
- 让爱传出去
- 恋我癖
- Play 我呸 (Alesso Re...
- I Wanna Know
- 呸PLAY 新歌演唱会
- 呸
- 万花瞳
- Myself世界巡回演唱会...
- Muse in Live
We Are One
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 蔡依林 / We Are One
When YoU're cold and YoU're broken@H_161_0@
LIke YoU're lost at the sea@H_161_0@
FolLow me In thIs moment@H_161_0@
And be free@H_161_0@
So don't look down YoU gotta waIt@H_161_0@
Don't worrY now we can escape@H_161_0@
When YoU don't know how to go alone@H_161_0@
We're Stronger now than on oUr own, oh oh@H_161_0@
We coUld change the world tonIght, oh tonIght@H_161_0@
If we are one@H_161_0@
CaUse we can change the dark to Light, oh to Light@H_161_0@
If we are one@H_161_0@
Woah oh oh oh oh oh@H_161_0@
Woah oh oh oh oh@H_161_0@
If we are one@H_161_0@
When YoU're cold and YoU're broken@H_161_0@
LIke YoU're lost at the sea@H_161_0@
FolLow me In thIs moment@H_161_0@
And be free@H_161_0@
So don't look down YoU gotta waIt@H_161_0@
Don't worrY now we can escape@H_161_0@
When YoU don't know how to go alone@H_161_0@
We're Stronger now than on oUr own, oh oh@H_161_0@
We coUld change the world tonIght, oh tonIght@H_161_0@
If we are one@H_161_0@
CaUse we can change the dark to Light, oh to Light@H_161_0@
If we are one@H_161_0@
Woah oh oh oh oh oh@H_161_0@
Woah oh oh oh oh@H_161_0@
If we are one@H_161_0@
If we are one@H_161_0@
Woah oh oh oh oh oh@H_161_0@
Woah oh oh oh oh@H_161_0@
If we are one
《We Are One》歌词由查歌词收集整理
- 新年抖来咪
- 怪美的
- 我对我 (《地下城与勇士》十周年主题曲)
- Play我呸 (Play World Tour Live)
- 不一样又怎样 (Play World Tour Live)
- 看我72变 (Play World Tour Live)
- 舞娘 (Play World Tour Live)
- Dr.Jolin (Play World Tour Live)
- 电话皇后 (Play World Tour Live)
- 爱情36计 (Play World Tour Live)
- 迷幻 (Play World Tour Live)
- 无言以对 (Play World Tour Live)
- 日不落 (Play World Tour Live)
- Miss Trouble (Play World Tour Live)
- 七上八下 (Play World Tour Live)
- 我知道你很难过 / 天空 (Play World Tour Live)
- 唇语 / 柠檬草的味道 (Play World Tour Live)
- Mr.Q (Play World Tour Live)
- 大艺术家 (Play World Tour Live)
- 独占神话 (Play World Tour Live)
- 第三人称 (Play World Tour Live)
- 布拉格广场 (Play World Tour Live)
- LOVE LOVE LOVE (Play World Tour Live)
- 花蝴蝶 (Play World Tour Live)
- 特务J (Play World Tour Live)
- I'm Not Yours (Play World Tour Live)
- 爱无赦 (Play World Tour Live)
- 美人计 (Play World Tour Live)
- 大丈夫 (Play World Tour Live)
- 美杜莎 (Play World Tour Live)