- Wildf Lower Overture
- 只要我活过哭过
- 一辈子心情
- 花之色
- 夜来香
- 蔷薇之恋
- 再生恋
- 野花
- 没有发生的爱情
- 没有你,还是爱你
- Wild Flower
- 只要我活过哭过(Reprise)
- 枯荣
- 放纵·心碎·爱的废墟
- 爱上一个不回家的人
- 下雨天 (Feat. 恭硕良)
- Earth Destruction
- 柿子
- 词不达意
- 没有你还是爱你
- 一
- 一念成魔
- 2016我是曹格巡演上海...
- 我们是朋友
- 十年曹格「小小」特别...
- 牛奶健康歌
- 荷里活的动物园
- Project Sensatio...
- Sensation
- 曹之在我
- 曹格 Moov Li...
- 超级4th场
- Welcome To M...
- Super Sunshine
- 格格Blue
- Naughty Gentlema...
My Way
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 曹格 /
I ate It Up and spIt It oUt
I faced It all @R_574_1273@ stood tall
And dId It mY waY
Ive loved Ive laUghed and crIed
Ive had mY fIll mY share of losIng
And now as tears sUbsIde
I fInd It all so amUsIng
To thInk I dId all that
And maY I saY - not In a shY waY
No oh no not me
I dId It mY waY
For what Is a man what has he got
If not hImself then he has naUght
To saY the thIngs he trUlY Feels
And not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the b@R_216_3853@s -
And dId It mY waY
I faced It all @R_574_1273@ stood tall
And dId It mY waY
Ive loved Ive laUghed and crIed
Ive had mY fIll mY share of losIng
And now as tears sUbsIde
I fInd It all so amUsIng
To thInk I dId all that
And maY I saY - not In a shY waY
No oh no not me
I dId It mY waY
For what Is a man what has he got
If not hImself then he has naUght
To saY the thIngs he trUlY Feels
And not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the b@R_216_3853@s -
And dId It mY waY
《My Way》歌词由查歌词收集整理
真爱格言 :单数 + 无辜 + 爱到最后一秒也不委曲 + 妹妹要快乐 + 爱爱下一个歌词
真爱格言 :单数 + 无辜 + 爱到最后一秒也不委曲 + 妹妹要快乐 + 爱爱下一个歌词