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Best Friend (Acoustic)

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈以桐 / What If Acoustic
That YoU'd be mY babY

GIrl YoU mean that mUch to me

And nothIng compares when
We're Lighter than aIr and We don't wanna come back down

@R_516_1273@ don't wanna rUIn what we have

CUz Love Is so Unpredictable

It's the rIsk that I'm takIng HopIng praYIng

YoU'd @R_16_2955@ In love wIth YoUr best frIend
I praY for all YoUr love
GIrl oUr love Is so Unreal
I jUst wanna reach and toUch YoU
SqUeeze YoU someBody pInch me
(I mUst be dreamIn')
ThIs Is somethIng lIke a movIe
@R_516_1273@ don't know how It ends gIrl

BUt I fell In love wIth mY best frIend

I fell In love wIth mY best frIend

Do YoU remember when I saId I'd alwaYs be there

Ever sInce we were ten babY

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Gravity (Acoustic)