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Not a Bad Thing

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈以桐 / Not a Bad Thing

It's not a bad thIng to Fall In love wIth me me

Not sUch a bad thIng to Fall In love

No I won't fIll YoUr mInd

WIth broken promIses and wasted tIme
And If YoU Fall YoU'll alwaYs land rIght In these arms

These arms of mIne
Don't act lIke It's a bad thIng to Fall In love wIth me

'CaUse YoU mIght look aroUnd and fInd YoUr dreams come trUe wIth me
Spent all YoUr tIme
And YoUr @R_572_2562@ jUst to fInd oUt that mY love was free
So don't act lIke It's a bad thIng to Fall In love wIth me me

It's not a bad thIng to Fall In love wIth me me

Not sUch a bad thIng to Fall In love wIth me

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