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A swim in the love that you give me

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 窦靖童 / A swim in the love that you give me
A swIm In the love that YoU gIve me - 窦靖童
词LYrIcIst:窦靖童Leah DoU
曲Composer:窦靖童Leah DoU
编曲Arranger:窦靖童Leah DoU/王文颖Wang WenYIng
监制ProdUcer:窦靖童Leah DoU/王文颖Wang WenYIng
OP:GreY Waters LImIted
SP:Warner/Chappell MUsIc, H.K. Ltd.
经理人公司:KatIe Chan ProdUctIons Co., Ltd.
唱片公司:2018 GreY Waters LImIted

I gaze throUgh the laYers
Love Is all that's there
PassIve sIlence dIamonds
GIven sweet sweet noIse
I gaze throUgh the laYers
Love Is all that's there

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Long Day's Journey Into Night (《地球最后的夜晚》电影宣传曲)
Island Love (《一出好戏》电影片尾曲)