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If We Are Only Friends

CoUld we be so Happy as for the whole word to see
If we are @R_570_3392@ frIends

@R_570_3392@ YoU mean YoUr arms YoU hold me

To certaInlY It's tIme to apart

I wander whY YoU alwaYs hold me

So close to YoUr heat
If we are @R_570_3392@ frIends

WhY don't YoU Dance wIth @R_803_1575@ new

And when the partY end

WhY do I alwaYs leave wIth YoU

There Is a Happy endIng

BUt on YoU that depends

And UntIl YoU tell me

I can @R_570_3392@ save If we jUst verY good frIend

We are @R_570_3392@ good frIends

We are stIll verY good frIends

《If We Are Only Friends》


I Wanna Be Free
Rhythm Of The Rain