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I Miss You

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林凡 / 非爱不可


I MIss YoU

作词:Don H.SUmner

作曲:Don H.SUmner

编曲:Adam Lee

I thoUght I heard YoUr voIce YesterdaY 昨天夜里,仿佛听到妳的细语。

Then I tUrned aroUnd to saY that I loved YoU 于是我转过身来想说我爱妳。

Then I realIzed that It was jUst mY mInd 我这才明白,这只是我自己...

PlayIng trIcks on me 又在骗自己。

It seems colder latelY at nIght 夜越?越有凉意。

And I Try to sleep wIth the Lights on 我开着却眼难闭。

EverYtIme the phone rIngs 每当电话响起。

I praY to God It's YoU I jUst can't belIeve 我祈求老天那是妳,我只是怀疑。

That we're throUgh 为何是这样的结局。

I mIss YoU (I mIss YoU) 我想妳 (我想你)。

There's no other waY to saY It 我只能说着我想妳。

And I, I can't denY It I mIss YoU (I mIss YoU) 我也无法不想妳 (我想你)。

It's so easY to see I mIss YoU and me 这很容易,知道我真的想妳。

Is It done and over thIs tIme 是否想过了就要离。

Can we ever change oUr mInds @R_444_2314@改变意。

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BUt It's oUr fIrst love 这是初次的相惜。

all the feelIngs that we Used to share 彼此分享所有的甜蜜。

I refUse to belIeve that YoU don't care 我绝不相妳不介意。

I mIss YoU (I mIss YoU) 我想妳 (我想你)。

Theres no other waY to saY It 我只能说着我想妳。

And I, I can't denY It I mIss YoU (I mIss YoU) 我也无法不想妳 (我想你)。

It's so easY to see I mIss YoU and me 这很容易,知道我真的想妳。

I've got to gather mY senses Together 我要把感觉全部收起。

I've been throUgh worse kInds of weather 我像饱经各种坏天气。

If It's over now (over now) be strong (be strong) 如果它平息 (平息),我会更有力 (有力)。

I can't belIeve that YoU're gone I've got to carrY on 我绝不妳已离去,我想继续。

I mIss YoU (I mIss YoU) It's drIvIng me crazY 我想妳 (我想你) 想得快让我痴迷。

I Don't want to lIve wIthoUt YoU 我不要孤单没有妳。

I mIss YoU (I mIss YoU) 我想妳 (我想你)。

It's so easY to see I mIss YoU and me 这很容易,知道我真的想妳。

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Foolish Beat
Both Sides Now