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- When A Man Loves A Woman
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When A Man Loves A Woman
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 林子祥 / 林子祥 II
LYrIc:Andrew WrIght
MUsIc:CalvIn LewIs
When a man loves a woman
Can't keep hIs mInd on nothIng else
He'd trade the world for a good thIng he's foUnd
If she's bad, he can't see It
She can do It no wrong
TUrn hIs back on hIs best frIend
If he pUt her down
When a man loves a woman
Spend hIs verY last tIme
TryIng to hold on to what he needs
He'd gIve Up all lover's comforts
And sleep oUt In the raIn
If she saId that's the waY It oUght to be
When a man loves a woman
I'll gIve YoU everYthIng I've got
TryIng to hold on @R_616_2186@r precIoUs love
BabY, babY Please don't treat me bad
When a man loves a woman
Deep down In hIs soUl
She can brIng hIm sUch mIserY
If she Plays hIm for a fool
He's the last one to know
LovIng eYes,lovIng eYes can never see
LovIng lovIng lovIng eYes never see
When a man loves a woman
MUsIc:CalvIn LewIs
When a man loves a woman
Can't keep hIs mInd on nothIng else
He'd trade the world for a good thIng he's foUnd
If she's bad, he can't see It
She can do It no wrong
TUrn hIs back on hIs best frIend
If he pUt her down
When a man loves a woman
Spend hIs verY last tIme
TryIng to hold on to what he needs
He'd gIve Up all lover's comforts
And sleep oUt In the raIn
If she saId that's the waY It oUght to be
When a man loves a woman
I'll gIve YoU everYthIng I've got
TryIng to hold on @R_616_2186@r precIoUs love
BabY, babY Please don't treat me bad
When a man loves a woman
Deep down In hIs soUl
She can brIng hIm sUch mIserY
If she Plays hIm for a fool
He's the last one to know
LovIng eYes,lovIng eYes can never see
LovIng lovIng lovIng eYes never see
When a man loves a woman
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