- Sometimes When We Touch
- 爱的箴言
- 十七岁女生的温柔
- 我要的不多
- Let It Be
- 离不开你
- 想你在我梦里
- The Yellow Ribbon On An Old Oak Tree
- 为什么要伤悲
- 会有那么一天
- 北京人在纽约 ...
- 没有雪的圣诞夜
- 弯弯的月亮 好汉歌
- 雨中的树
- 甄嬛传 影视音乐原声大...
- 二十年金曲典藏
- 在路上
- 经典20年 珍藏锦集
- 宝石般的心
- 六十年代生人
- 九十年代的爱恋
- 好汉歌
- 记住刘欢
- 北京人在纽约 电视剧...
- 歌坛帝王
- 蒙古小夜曲
Sometimes When We Touch
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 刘欢 / 刘欢的沙龙
YoU ask me If I love YoU @H_237_0@
And I choke on mY replY @H_237_0@
I'd rather hUrt YoU honestlY @H_237_0@
Than mIslead YoU wIth a lIe @H_237_0@
For who am I to jUdge YoU @H_237_0@
In what YoU saY or do @H_237_0@
I'm Only jUst beGinnIng @H_237_0@
To see the real YoU @H_237_0@
And sometImes when we toUch @H_237_0@
The honestY's too mUch @H_237_0@
And I have to close mY eYes @H_237_0@
And hIde @H_237_0@
I wanna hold YoU tIll I dIe @H_237_0@
TIll we both break down and crY @H_237_0@
I wanna hold YoU tIll the fear In me sUbsIdes @H_237_0@
Romance's an honest strategY @H_237_0@
Leaves me grapplIng wIth mY prIde @H_237_0@
BUt throUgh the Years of satUrItY @H_237_0@
Some tenderness sUrvIves @H_237_0@
I'm jUst another wrIter @H_237_0@
StIll trapped wIthIn mY trUth @H_237_0@
A hesItant prIze-fIghter @H_237_0@
StIll trapped wIthIn mY YoUth @H_237_0@
At tImes I'd lIke to break YoU @H_237_0@
And drIve YoU To Your knees @H_237_0@
At tImes I'd lIke to break throUgh @H_237_0@
And hold YoU endlesslY @H_237_0@
At tImes I Understand YoU @H_237_0@
And I know how hard YoU Try @H_237_0@
I've watched whIl love commands YoU @H_237_0@
And I've watched love pass YoU bY @H_237_0@
At tImes I thInk we're drIfters @H_237_0@
StIll searchIng for a frIend @H_237_0@
A brother or a sIster @H_237_0@
BUt then the @R_60_1682@ flares agaIn....
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