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Killing Me Softly

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 李玟 / 大家都爱Coco李玟万人迷演唱会精彩实录

KIllIng Me SoftlY (LIve) - 李玟 (CoCo Lee)
StrUmmIng mY paIn wIth hIs fIngers
SIngIng mY lIfe wIth hIs words
KIllIng me softlY wIth hIs song
TellIng mY whole lIfe wIth hIs words
KIllIng me softlY wIth hIs song
I heard he sang a good song
I heard he had a stYle
And so I came to see hIm and lIsten for a whIle
And there he was thIs YoUng boY
Stranger to mY eYes
StrUmmIng mY paIn wIth hIs fIngers
SIngIng mY lIfe wIth hIs words
KIllIng me softlY wIth hIs song
KIllIng me softlY wIth hIs song
TellIng mY whole lIfe wIth hIs words
KIllIng me softlY wIth hIs song
I felt all flUshed wIth fever
Embarrassed bY the crowd
I felt he foUnd mY letters and read each one oUt @R_169_2950@
I praYed that he woUld fInIsh
BUt he jUst kept rIght on strUmmIng mY paIn wIth hIs fIngers
SIngIng mY lIfe wIth hIs words
KIllIng me softlY wIth hIs song
KIllIng me softlY wIth hIs song
TellIng mY whole lIfe wIth hIs words
KIllIng me softlY wIth hIs song
La oh
He was
StrUmmIng mY paIn Yes he was
He was kIllIng me
He was kIllIng me
MY whole lIfe
WIth hIs love
He was kIllIng me

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Di Da Di + Sha la la