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苏荷摇 (Remix)

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 梦洛伊 / 俄舞摇

'CaUse I know It's trUe

I'm stIll In love wIth YoU

I need a mIracle I wanna be YoUr gIrl
GIve me a chance to see that YoU are made for me
I need a mIracle @R_116_1989@ let me be YoUr gIrl
One daY YoU'll see It can happen to me
I need a mIracle I wanna be YoUr gIrl
GIve me a chance to see that YoU are made for me
I need a mIracle @R_116_1989@ let me be YoUr gIrl
One daY YoU'll see It can happen to me It can happen to me

《苏荷摇 (Remix)》歌词查歌词收集整理

杨玉环 (Remix)
手势舞 (Remix)