- I Promise (《溏心风暴3》电视剧插曲)
- I Promise
- Chinese Food
- Award Show
- Crafty Awards (skit) (口白)
- Can't Wait
- Clap Your Hands
- Perfect Strangers
- 36-24-36 AppleBottom Jeans
- I Download
- Myspace Collabo (skit) (口白)
- Doin' What I Do
- Determination
- Yeah
- Name Calling
- HipHopMan
- Make Your Mo...
- 不帅
- SuperNBA
- 零
- Nobody's Lis...
- 罗宾(CP Up ...
- This Is The&...
- Busta Rhymes
- Hypocrite
- Brand New Me
- Crazy Love R...
- Sincerely Yours
- When the Lig...
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 欧阳靖 / I Promise
OpportUnItY Is knockIng anY mInUte It can call
And I'm a be rIght there to answer when It does
Open arms wIth an oUtlet sImplY jUst becaUse
I'm so determIned that a fIre's bUrnIng Inside of me
I want It so bad
I thInk of It everY nIght when I sleep
And when I wake Up In the mornIng
It's on mY mInd as well
BUt If YoU don't thInk
I can do It YoU can all go BLAH
It Is not over
It's the kId 100 grand JIn craftY plUgz
I'm jUst gettIng started Y'all
I'm so determIned
TUrn the f**kIng mIc off
I'm done
And I'm a be rIght there to answer when It does
Open arms wIth an oUtlet sImplY jUst becaUse
I'm so determIned that a fIre's bUrnIng Inside of me
I want It so bad
I thInk of It everY nIght when I sleep
And when I wake Up In the mornIng
It's on mY mInd as well
BUt If YoU don't thInk
I can do It YoU can all go BLAH
It Is not over
It's the kId 100 grand JIn craftY plUgz
I'm jUst gettIng started Y'all
I'm so determIned
TUrn the f**kIng mIc off
I'm done
Doin' What I Do下一个歌词
Doin' What I Do下一个歌词
- HipHopMan
- Make Your Move
- 不帅
- SuperNBA (《最强NBA》手游主题曲)
- 零 (《英伦对决》电影推广曲)
- Nobody's Listening
- Everything's Not Okay
- Fatherly Advice
- Two Pairs
- Timberlake Your Love
- Donnie Yen
- Check To Check
- 4 Tha Team
- Rhyme Book
- No Promo
- 罗宾 (CP Up version)
- This Is The Year
- Hallelujah
- Welcome Home
- Heaven's Ceiling
- Fan Mail
- Like a Rock
- Fairytales
- Chinese New Year
- Glow
- Money
- Eat, Sleep, and Die
- Carry On
- Complicated