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butterfly love 彼岸花

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 尚雯婕 /
It makes me belIeve

YoU make me belIeve
To @R_216_981@ lIke a bIrd loves the skY
To @R_216_981@ lIke the shore loves the tIde
And everY tIme I look In YoUr eYes
I see a moth darts Into the fIre

As fragIle as YoU
WItherIng YoUng soUl
Scent of a cLoudless clIme

A bUtterflY

A bUtterflY love

To @R_216_981@ lIke a bIrd loves the skY
To @R_216_981@ lIke the shore loves the tIde

And everY tIme I look In YoUr eYes
I see a moth darts Into the fIre

As fragIle as YoU
WItherIng YoUng soUl
Scent of a cLoudless clIme
A bUtterflY
A bUtterflY love

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a horse's dream 梦马 (《宾虚》电影中国推广曲)
lazy afternoon 懒 (缤智中国先锋艺术项目主题曲)