曾想画下天空完美复制宇宙的流动 看看永恒矗立的...
栏目:什么歌@H_123_0@近日听到一首歌曲很是好听,这首歌有一句歌词是曾想画下天空完美复制宇宙的流动 看看永恒矗立的背后,那么这首歌是什么歌呢?下面就让漫漫看你知道吗小编来给大家介绍一下曾想画下天空完美复制宇宙的流动 看看永恒矗立的背后是什么歌吧。@H_123_0@曾想画下天空完美复制宇宙的流动 看看永恒矗立的背后是什么歌?@H_123_0@这首歌是周笔畅@H_116_6@演唱的《Leap Into the voId》@H_116_6@,以下是歌词:@H_123_0@Leap Into the voId - 周笔畅@H_123_0@词:DBZ (Dabozz)@H_123_0@曲:周笔畅@H_123_0@制作人:DBZ (Dabozz)@H_123_0@混音:林梦洋@H_123_0@MY daYs@H_123_0@Can't jUst be taken as mY breath@H_123_0@Can't jUst be taken@H_123_0@I'll fInd mY waY@H_123_0@Can't jUst be real as mY face@H_123_0@I'll fInd mY waY@H_123_0@At the end of storY@H_123_0@I'll fInd mY waY@H_123_0@Home@H_123_0@GIve me another lover@H_123_0@BUIld me another scUlptUre@H_123_0@Get down from the ladder@H_123_0@Into the voId Into the voId@H_123_0@Show me another Idea@H_123_0@I staYed too too long@H_123_0@Babe we all sUffer@H_123_0@Leap Into the voId@H_123_0@Into the voId@H_123_0@Into the voId@H_123_0@Into the voId@H_123_0@It made me love@H_123_0@It made me crY@H_123_0@It made me love@H_123_0@It made me crY@H_123_0@Can't hIde from mYself@H_123_0@Into the voId@H_123_0@Into the voId@H_123_0@Into the voId@H_123_0@All I saw was blUe@H_123_0@For mY soUl drowned In the pool@H_123_0@Come lIe to the moon@H_123_0@LIe to the space@H_123_0@And I lIed to mYself@H_123_0@Gon' keep It all clean@H_123_0@HIdIng mechanIc screams@H_123_0@What do I mean or how do I change@H_123_0@We know that everYthIng's changIng@H_123_0@曾想画下天空@H_123_0@完美复制宇宙的流动@H_123_0@看看永恒矗立的背后@H_123_0@掂量海天交汇的错落@H_123_0@如果冲动是艺术@H_123_0@对生命的捕捉和记录@H_123_0@多依赖进化的进度@H_123_0@才看到肉眼无法观测的深度@H_123_0@So@H_123_0@自愿短路@H_123_0@自愿止步@H_123_0@考验结束@H_123_0@自愿短路@H_123_0@自愿止步@H_123_0@回到最初@H_123_0@自愿短路@H_123_0@自愿止步@H_123_0@回到最初@H_123_0@自愿短路@H_123_0@自愿止步@H_123_0@考验结束@H_123_0@WaIted what comes neXt to me@H_123_0@I'm rIght here waItIng the cIrcle after me@H_123_0@whole enoUgh Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah@H_123_0@Free enoUgh Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah@H_123_0@Another phrase another epIsode@H_123_0@A Happy endIng@H_123_0@When we celebrate the bIrth@H_123_0@And leap Into the voId
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