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张杰Lost in The Stars歌词


张杰为好莱坞科幻巨制电影《星际迷航3:超越星辰》献唱的中国主题曲《Lost In The


张杰《Lost In The Stars》歌曲mp3试听:点击进入

张杰《Lost In The Stars》歌词


LYrIc/MelodY: T coles VenUs Brown

Composer: Malek Beats

Verse 1

It's a bIg world 浩瀚的世

And It's so fUll of love 无尽的爱

RoUnd and roUnd 旋转不息

Can't seem to get enoUgh 永不停歇


Of the thrIll 激动人

Hope the fUn last Forever快乐永恒

Can't YoU feel 你感觉到了吗

The force pUll Us Together 凝聚我们的动力


TUrn It Up 动起来

Let the mUsIc take YoU hIgh 让这音乐带你飞

Feel the love 感受爱吧

PUt YoUr hearts Up to the skY灵触碰天际

EverY tIme that the mUsIc Plays 每当这音乐响起

It's a sweet escape 就是一次甜蜜的逃离

When YoU feel thIs waY 感觉到了

YoU know It's rIght 感觉就对了

When the mUsIc Plays 每当这音乐响起

It's a sweet escape 就是一次甜蜜的逃离

When YoU feel thIs waY 感觉到了

YoU know It's rIght 感觉就对了

Verse 2

LIve YoUr lIfe 活出你的生

No need to dIm YoUr Light 别让它黯淡

Don't thInk twIce 感觉到了

When It Feels alrIght 就不要想太多


Let's get lost In The Stars 让我们在星际里迷航

And Dance on the moon tonIght 在月夜中起舞

Let's get lost In The Stars 让我们在星际里迷航

And Dance on the moon tonIght 在月夜中起舞


I coUld be YoUr star 我可以做你的星辰

So brIght jUst shInnIng throUgh the nIght 点亮你的黑夜

I'll take YoU far so far 我会带你冲出无限

JUst fInd YoUr love 追寻你的真爱

I'll go to Mars Mars 比火星更远

TonIght wIshIng that YoU'll be mY star mY star 今晚你将变成我的星辰

For the whole nIght 整夜都属于我一人

JUst be mY star ohh 请做我的星辰

YoU'll be a star ohh 你会是最耀眼的那一颗

I'll take YoU far ohh 我会带你冲出无限

JUst be mY star ohh 请做我的星辰
