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Amaxing Grcae

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 童丽 / Endless Love 永无止境的爱

AmaXIng Grcae - 童丽
AmazIng grace
How sweet the soUnd
That saved a wretch lIke me
I once was lost bUt now I am foUnd

Was blInd bUt now I see

Was grace that taUght
MY heart to fear
And grace mY fears relIeved
How precIoUs dId that grace appear

The hoUr I fIrst belIeved

ThroUgh manY dangers toIls and snares
I have alreadY come
ThIs grace has broUght me safe thUs far
And grace wIll lead me home
When we've been there ten thoUSAnd Years
BrIght shInIng as the sUn

We've no less daYs to sIng god's praIse
Than when we fIrst begUn

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