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Do We Really Care

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 王菲 / 最菲
Do We ReallY Care?@H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ 曲∶JoeY Tang 词∶梁荣骏 编∶GarY Tong@H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ EdIted bY starskY@H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ emaIl:@H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ I saw a pIctUre of a small gIrl  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ CrYIng and lIvIng In a lost world  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ The men fIght for dear God  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ She don't care  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ caUse there aIn't nothIng left to share  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ I'd watched T.V. aboUt a sIck gIrl  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ She was Only nIne bUt she'll be gone soon  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ When and where she's goIng God wIll know  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ She doesn't want the sUn to go  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ Don't YoU know that we care  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ Keep the faIth and hope Is here  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ Deep In mY heart I ask mYself  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ Do we reallY reallY care  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ I read the paper of a coloUred boY  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ He was starvIng so we're the lone vUltUres@H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ WhY so fUll of sorrow no Tomorrow  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ There's no raInbow  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ WIll he ever know?  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ Don't YoU know that we praY  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ For YoU to see the Light of daY  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ For YoU to brIng back the look of love  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ Words of wIsdom  @H_2@R_57_4340@_0@ Is It enoUgh

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