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As Time Goes By

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 王力宏 / 火力全开
YoU mUst remember thIs@H_157_0@ A kIss Is stIll a kIss@H_157_0@ A sIgh Is jUst a sIgh@H_157_0@ The fUndamental thIngs applY@H_157_0@ As tIme goes bY@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ And when two lovers woo@H_157_0@ TheY stIll saY, "I love YoU."@H_157_0@ On that YoU can relY@H_157_0@ No matter what the fUtUre brIngs@H_157_0@ As tIme goes bY@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ MoonLight and love songs@H_157_0@ Never oUt of date@H_157_0@ Hearts fUll of @R_808_1682@@H_157_0@ JealoUsY and hate@H_157_0@ Woman needs man@H_157_0@ And man mUst have hIs mate @H_157_0@ That no one can denY@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ It's stIll the same old storY@H_157_0@ A fIght for love and glorY@H_157_0@ A case of do or dIe@H_157_0@ The world wIll alwaYs welcome lovers@H_157_0@ As tIme goes bY

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Dream Again