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歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 汪苏泷 / 摇滚唐人街
ChInatown@H_157_0@ ChInatown a world fUll of dreams@H_157_0@ BUt opportUnItY Isn't as easY as It seems@H_157_0@ YoU gotta rIse Up to the eXtreme and work lIke bUsY bee@H_157_0@ Channel all YoUr energY to fUlfIll YoUr fantasIes@H_157_0@ CItY Lights what a sIght crawlIng over the nIght@H_157_0@ Shaped lIke brIght fIreflIes and dragons wIth a bIte@H_157_0@ ThIs Is ChInatown nothIng here Is black or whIte@H_157_0@ FIreworks Ignite thIs Is a cItY that eXcItes@H_157_0@ Welcome to mY world ChInatown@H_157_0@ 各个是高手 又怎样@H_157_0@ 要世转我的方向@H_157_0@ 火力全开吶喊着梦想 向前闯@H_157_0@ WorkIng long nIghts bUt I'm actIng brave@H_157_0@ I am In charge of the road I pave@H_157_0@ It's tIme for me to complete thIs race@H_157_0@ FInIsh oUt the daY strong In fIrst place@H_157_0@ Here I go agaIn In ChInatown doIng mY daIlY grInd@H_157_0@ DaIlY clImb Up to mY apartment staIrs I Don't mInd@H_157_0@ I jUst hope Its a sIgn that If I Try I wIll fInd@H_157_0@ A place lIke thIs all the tIme@H_157_0@ EverYwhere In all mankInd@H_157_0@ Welcome to mY world ChInatown@H_157_0@ 各个是高手 又怎样@H_157_0@ 要世转我的方向@H_157_0@ 火力全开吶喊着梦想 向前闯@H_157_0@ ChI-na-town@H_157_0@ If YoU feel lost or torn apart@H_157_0@ If YoU need to depart for a fresh start@H_157_0@ If YoU need to move to a new cItY@H_157_0@ If YoU need to fInd a new commIttee ask@H_157_0@ ChI-na-town@H_157_0@ Welcome to mY world ChInatown@H_157_0@ 各个是高手 又怎样@H_157_0@ 要世转我的方向@H_157_0@ 火力全开吶喊着梦想@H_157_0@ Welcome to mY world ChInatown@H_157_0@ 胆敢小看我的力量@H_157_0@ 快放手一搏 別傍徨@H_157_0@ 越战越勇气全场@H_157_0@ 向前闯@H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ @H_157_0@ 制作人:王宗贤 / 下川和己@H_157_0@ 配唱制作人:任寒冰 / 陈嬛@H_157_0@ 录音:任寒冰@行人StUdIo


和你在一起 (《奇葩朵朵》电影推广曲)