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Will You?

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 许靖韵 / Will You?


WIll YoU?

电影 感动她77次 主题曲

作词:李敏、J. ArIe


编曲:DennIs LancIon

WIll YoU kIss me? WIll YoU hUg me?

What If I never know the answers?

WIll YoU need me? WIll YoU love me?

Have we the chance to be Together?

Cherish mY heart

YoU're the sUnshIne of mY most gloomY lIfe

The Only brIght @R_160_2254@

PerIsh mY soUl

When YoU're awaY

When YoU're gone oUt, oUt of sIght

Oh, wIll YoU spend YoUr lIfe Together wIth me?

To make each moment oUr sweet memorY

Love Isn't easY bUt I gotta let YoU see

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TryIng hard to reach eternItY

Oh, wIll YoU spend YoUr lIfe Together wIth me?

No matter raIn or shIne we're stIll meant to be

Lovers who dream theIr dreams

Lovers who dream theIr dreams

We create realItY

Oh, wIll YoU spend YoUr lIfe Together wIth me?

To make each moment oUr sweet memorY

Love Isn't easY bUt I gotta let YoU see

TryIng hard to reach eternItY

Oh, wIll YoU spend YoUr lIfe Together wIth me?

No matter raIn or shIne we're stIll meant to be

Lovers who dream theIr dreams

Lovers who dream theIr dreams

We create oUr destInY

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