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Blue Balloon

张信哲 I have a blUe balloon,a Happy tUne@H_238_0@ love enoUgh to last me all throUgh the afternoon@H_238_0@ I have the new York tIme and 14 dImes@H_238_0@ and eXpectatIons of the most profoUnd nUrserY rhYme@H_238_0@ before the rIvers rUn drY@H_238_0@ before the last saY good-bYe@H_238_0@ let's be kInd to one another@H_238_0@ we can Try@H_238_0@ so don't jUst throw YoUr love above@H_238_0@ It's not too late to fInd oUt@H_238_0@ before the sand has all rUn oUt of the hoUr glass@H_238_0@ the carnIval Is here@H_238_0@ the crown appears@H_238_0@ plastIc paInted people hold each other near@H_238_0@ hopes are alwaYs hIgh@H_238_0@ the echo of the skY and when It's over@H_238_0@ there jUst a lonelY sIght of good-bYe@H_238_0@ @H_238_0@ too late to hIde It now@H_238_0@ It's all aroUnd Us now@H_238_0@ oh ! how I want YoU gIrl@H_238_0@ to lIe besIde me now@H_238_0@ whIle there stIll thIs tIme@H_238_0@ and now mY balloon stIll rhYme@H_238_0@ let me love YoU now@H_238_0@ we can drInk a cool,good wIne@H_238_0@ so don't jUst throw YoUr love above@H_238_0@ YoU and me had last fInd oUt@H_238_0@ before the sand has all rUn oUt of the hoUr-glass@H_238_0@ @H_238_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn@H_238_0@ @H_238_0@ 我有一個藍(憂鬱的)汽球@H_238_0@ 一段快樂曲調@H_238_0@ 讓我整個下午可以造夢@H_238_0@ 我有紐約時報,及十四角錢@H_238_0@ 及那最深奧小孩詩歌的解釋@H_238_0@ @H_238_0@ *在河川流光之前@H_238_0@ 在最後的一句道別話之前@H_238_0@ 讓我們善待彼此,我們可以試試@H_238_0@ 故不要只將你的愛掉在一旁@H_238_0@ 此刻才去弄個明白還未太遲@H_238_0@ 趁沙漏的沙還未完全溜光@H_238_0@ @H_238_0@ 聯歡會在此,小丑現身@H_238_0@ 塗上漆的人們互相拉近@H_238_0@ 希望總是高,在天空外迴響@H_238_0@ 事後@H_238_0@ @H_238_0@ (重複*)@H_238_0@ 現在已來不及掩飾,它已圍繞著我們@H_238_0@ 噢,女孩子,我是多麼的需要妳@H_238_0@ 來,躺在我身傍吧@H_238_0@ 當還有時間@H_238_0@ 而我的詩仍是押韻時@H_238_0@ 讓我愛妳吧@H_238_0@ 我們可以飲那好好的酒@H_238_0@ 在河川流光之前@H_238_0@ 在最後的一句道別話之前@H_238_0@ 讓我們善待彼此,我們可以試試@H_238_0@ 故不要只將你的愛掉在一旁@H_238_0@ 妳與我,喂,讓我們去弄個明白@H_238_0@ 趁沙漏的沙還未完全溜光

《Blue Balloon》

