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Too Much Heaven

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张信哲 / 夜色
Too MUch Heaven@H_716_0@ Made bY Handsomeck@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ Ooh, well, too mUch heaven@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ Ooh YoU and me gIrl got a lot of love In store@H_716_0@ And It fLows throUgh YoU, and It fLows throUgh me@H_716_0@ And I love YoU so mUch more@H_716_0@ Than My Love@H_716_0@ I can see beYond @R_257_1850@@H_716_0@ EverYthIng we are wIll never dIe@H_716_0@ LovIng's sUch a beaUtIfUl thIng, ooh Yeah@H_716_0@ Oh, YoU make mY world a Summer daY@H_716_0@ Are YoU jUst a dream to fade awaY?@H_716_0@ NoBody gets too mUch heaven no more@H_716_0@ It's mUch harder to come bY@H_716_0@ I'm waItIng In lIne@H_716_0@ NoBody gets too mUch love @R_523_1788@@H_716_0@ It's as hIgh as a moUntaIn@H_716_0@ And harder to clImb@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ Ah, YoU and me boY, got a hIghwaY to tthe skY@H_716_0@ We can tUrn awaY, from the nIght and daY@H_716_0@ And all the tears we had to poUr@H_716_0@ YoU're mY lIfe@H_716_0@ I can see a new @R_571_1450@@H_716_0@ EverYthIng we are wIll never dIe@H_716_0@ LovIng's sUch a beaUtIfUl thIng, so beaUtIfUl@H_716_0@ When YoU are to me@H_716_0@ The Light above, meant for all to see@H_716_0@ MY precIoUs love(to see mY precIoUs love)LovIng's sUch a beaUtIfUl thIng@H_716_0@ Love's so beaUtIfUl@H_716_0@ YoU made mY world a Summer daY@H_716_0@ Are YoU jUst a dream to fade awaY(to fade awaY)@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ NoBody gets too mUch heaven no more@H_716_0@ It's mUch harder to come bY@H_716_0@ I'm waItIng In lIne@H_716_0@ NoBody gets too mUch love @R_523_1788@@H_716_0@ It's as wIde as a rIver and harder to fInd

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