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Woman In Love

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 郑秀文 / Sammi Star Show


Woman In Love


LIfe Is a moment to space , when dream Is gone ,

It's a lonelIer place .

I kIss the mornIng goodbYe , bUt down Inside ,

YoU know we never know whY .

The road Is narrow and long , when eYes meet eYes ,

and the feelIng Is strong .

I tUrn awaY from the wall I strUmble lIke Fall ,

bUt I gIve YoU It all .

* I am a woman In love , and I'll do anYthIng ,

to get YoU Into mY world , and hold YoU wIthIn .

It's alrIght I defend , over and over agaIn , What do @R_557_3668@ .

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WIth YoUr eternItY mInd , and love there Is no measUre of tIme .

We plan It all at The Start

DId YoU and I lIve In each other's hearts .

We maY be oceans awaY , YoU feel My Love ,

I hear what YoU've saId .

The trUth Is ever and I , I strUmble lIke Fall ,

and I gIve YoU It all .

Repeat *

I'm a woman In love , and I'm talkIng To You ,

I know how YoU feel ,

what a woman can do , It's alrIght I defend over and over agaIn

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