- Ocean Deep
- How Deep Is Your Love
- The First Time
- Just The Way You Are
- Alabama Rain
- Make It With You
- Sometimes When We Touch
- Call Me
- Songs of Birds
- Leader of The Band
- 周华健/张大春...
- 周华健 侠客行...
- 倾城之恋
- 流浪的终点
- 今天唱什么
- 已读不回
- 水浒三部曲 原创音乐选...
- 江湖
- 不可能是不可能的事
- 潇潇雨未歇
- 花旦
- 盒子之歌
- 水浒108 张大春现代京...
- 拼了
- 雨人
- Keep Wakin 1987-2002...
Just The Way You Are
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 周华健 / Songs of Birds
原唱/BIllY Joel@H_16_0@
专辑/周华健《Songs of BIrds》@H_16_0@
Don't go changIng,@H_16_0@
To @R_157_4187@ and Please me@H_16_0@
YoU never let me down before@H_16_0@
Don't ImagIne YoU're too famIlIar@H_16_0@
And I Don't see YoU Anymore@H_16_0@
I woUld not leave YoU@H_16_0@
In tImes of troUble@H_16_0@
We never coUld have come thIs far@H_16_0@
I took the good tImes,@H_16_0@
I'll take the bad tImes@H_16_0@
I'll take YoU jUst the waY YoU are@H_16_0@
I Don't want clever conversatIons@H_16_0@
I never want to work that hard@H_16_0@
I jUst want @R_212_1575@ that I can talk to@H_16_0@
I want YoU jUst the waY YoU are.@H_16_0@
I need to know that YoU wIll alwaYs be@H_16_0@
The same old @R_212_1575@ that I knew@H_16_0@
What wIll It take 'tIll YoU belIeve In me@H_16_0@
The waY that I belIeve In YoU.@H_16_0@
I saId I love YoU,@H_16_0@
and that's Forever@H_16_0@
And thIs I promIse from the heart@H_16_0@
I coUldn't love YoU anY better@H_16_0@
I love YoU jUst the waY YoU are
《Just The Way You Are》歌词由查歌词收集整理
The First Time下一个歌词
Alabama Rain
The First Time下一个歌词
Alabama Rain