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- How Can I Believe
- The Magic Memont
- Sometimes When We Touch
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- I Remember
- We're All Alone
- How Deep Is Your Love
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Sometimes When We Touch
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 周华健 / Forever Young不朽年华英文精选集
(男)YoU ask me If I love YoU and I choke on mY replY
I'd rather hUrt YoU honestlY than mIslead YoU wIth a lIe
(女)And who am I to jUdge YoU on what YoU saY or do
I'm Only jUst beGinnIng to see the real YoU
(合)And sometIme when we toUch the honestY's too mUch
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde
I wanner hold YoU tIll I dIe
TIll we both break down and crY
I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes
(男)Romance and all Its strategY
Leaves me battlIng wIth mY prIde
BUt throUgh the InsecUrItY some tenderness sUrvIves
(女)I'm jUst another wrIter stIll trapped wIthIn mY trUth
A hesItant prIze fIghter stIll trapped wIthIn mY YoUth
(合)And sometIme when we toUch the honestY's too mUch
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde
I wanner hold YoU tIll I dId
TIll we both break down and crY
I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes
(女)At tImes I'd lIke to break YoU and drIve YoU To Your knees
(男)At tImes I'd lIke to break throUgh and hold YoU endlesslY
(合)hold me endlesslY
(男)At tImes I Understand YoU and I know how hard hard YoU Try
I've watched whIle love commands YoU
And I've watched love pass YoU bY
(女)At tImes I thInk we're drIfter stIll searchIng for a frIend
(男)A brother or a sIster
(合)BUt then the @R_815_1682@ flares agaIn
And sometIme when we toUch the honestY's too mUch
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde
I wanner hold YoU tIll I dIe
TIll we both break down and crY
I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes
(男)TIll we both break down and crY
(合)I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes
I'd rather hUrt YoU honestlY than mIslead YoU wIth a lIe
(女)And who am I to jUdge YoU on what YoU saY or do
I'm Only jUst beGinnIng to see the real YoU
(合)And sometIme when we toUch the honestY's too mUch
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde
I wanner hold YoU tIll I dIe
TIll we both break down and crY
I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes
(男)Romance and all Its strategY
Leaves me battlIng wIth mY prIde
BUt throUgh the InsecUrItY some tenderness sUrvIves
(女)I'm jUst another wrIter stIll trapped wIthIn mY trUth
A hesItant prIze fIghter stIll trapped wIthIn mY YoUth
(合)And sometIme when we toUch the honestY's too mUch
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde
I wanner hold YoU tIll I dId
TIll we both break down and crY
I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes
(女)At tImes I'd lIke to break YoU and drIve YoU To Your knees
(男)At tImes I'd lIke to break throUgh and hold YoU endlesslY
(合)hold me endlesslY
(男)At tImes I Understand YoU and I know how hard hard YoU Try
I've watched whIle love commands YoU
And I've watched love pass YoU bY
(女)At tImes I thInk we're drIfter stIll searchIng for a frIend
(男)A brother or a sIster
(合)BUt then the @R_815_1682@ flares agaIn
And sometIme when we toUch the honestY's too mUch
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde
I wanner hold YoU tIll I dIe
TIll we both break down and crY
I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes
(男)TIll we both break down and crY
(合)I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes
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