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I Wish I Could Be Stronger

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / 八三夭 / 迷惑的世代
I WIsh I CoUld Be Stronger我要变壮

BUrn all the letters , all the treasUre Memories. 烧掉那些 我们珍藏的回亿
I stIll can’t forget , 我依然忘不了
all the Memories deeplY In mY heart….(I hUrt so mUch) 那些深藏我的记亿
UntIl YesterdaY , 直到了昨天
I saw YoU hUg hIm so tIght…(I saw YoUr @R_623_2756@) 我看到了你抱抱的很紧 有你的微笑
It Is the joYfUl , that I never see In YoUr eYe … 那却是我从来没有在你眼中看到过的喜悦
never see In YoUr eYe 从来没有在你眼中看到过

YoU jUst lIe In hIs arm! 你躺在的怀抱里
And tell me that YoU were sorrY… 对我说著报歉
EverYthIng won’t be fIne 一切都不会好的 但是
Well , I gUess It’s part of the growIng Up… 我想这就是成长的一部份…

I wIsh that I coUld be Stronger to take It all over… 我希望我可以更坚强去渡过这一切
Now everYthIng Is over there’s no last Forever… 现在一切都结束了 再也没有永远了
I wIsh I coUld accept what YoU dId to me 我希望我可以接受你对我做得一切
I’m not a fool , not a fool…(It Is all over) 但我不是个笨蛋 全都结束

Remember YoU told me , YoUr love Is kInd of romance…你跟我说过 你的爱情就是一种罗漫史
I Try to not to thInk , 我试著不去想
aboUt all the promIses we promIse(YoU break the promIse)我们曾经承诺的承诺 你毁掉的承诺
I won’t Try to argUe , 我不会跟你争辩
Don’t YoU know YoU heart mY feelIngs…(heart mY feelIng)你这次真的伤透了我的
Don’t care all the shIt YoU lIe , don’t YoU know It’s not rIght 我不再相你说得那些屁话
It Is fUckIng not rIght 你知道这样是不对的吗 的是不对的!

YoU jUst lIe In hIs arm! 你躺在的怀抱里
And tell me that YoU were sorrY… 对我说著报歉
EverYthIng won’t be fIne 一切都不会好的
WIll someBody….take me awaY 有谁 可以带我远

I wIsh that I coUld be Stronger…. 我希望我可以更坚强
I saId 我说
There’s nothIng I can’t do ,there’s nothIng I won’t do… 没有我做不到的 没有我不愿意为你做的
YoU saId 你说
It Is all over…….. 一切都结束

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Against The World
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