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Against The World

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / 八三夭 / 迷惑的世代
AgaInst The World对抗世

Take mY hands , 握紧我的双手
The bleedIng heart wIll never stop Us to move on… 淌血的也没有办法阻止我们前进
Please don’t waIt 请别再等待
It’s not sUppose to be regret , we’ll all dIe YoUng… 人生苦短…不应该有所遗憾…
Make the cUt 划那道伤痕
It makes me Insane , oUt of control! I’m self-dIstrUctIon 一切都让我发疯..失去控制…自我毁灭
Taste the paIn… 品尝那种痛处
I’m not afraId to bleed…coz I am strong! 我不害怕流血 因为我很坚强

All thIs pressUre made mY anger.. 所有的压力都造成我的忿怒!
Is lIvIng jUst lIke sUIcIde? S U I C I D E!! 活著是不是就如同自杀一般? 如同自杀一般?

I wIll fIght for what I’m belIevIng In (belIevIng In) 我会为了我的念去奋斗
I coUld gIve mY heart and soUl… 我愿意付出我的与灵魂
JUst staY wIth me! let’s (fIve) agaInst thIs world! 就陪在我身边吧!让我们(五个)对抗这世
WIll YoU dream what I dream for? 你(们)会不会跟我做一样的梦?

Even there Is a bUllet to mY head 即使子弹射向我的脑袋
BUt the hero’s tIme wIll never end 但英雄的时代却是永远不会终结
PUll the trIgger…never be afraId!! 扣下板机吧!不再害怕!
PUll the trIgger…never be afraId!! 扣下板机吧!不再害怕!

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I Wish I Could Be Stronger